The Point of No Return…

Hello everyone, Ever read a book or watch a movie? Well obviously. Sorry that question wasn’t relevant. What I meant was have you ever watched or read a book where the characters reached that point of no return. It could be their conforming to the dark side or sacrificing themselves to save the world. I... Continue Reading →

The Hustle of a Great Story

Hello everybody, When you write a story what truth are you trying to tell? The reason I ask is, because most stories have an inkling of truth to them. The greatest lies in everything is the ones with a smidgen of truth to them. With that being said what truth are you trying to tell?... Continue Reading →

He said, She said, I said, They said.

Hello everybody, Today we're going to broach the topic of multiple points of view. Multiple points of view is when you use multiple characters in your story. One thing with multi pov is it gets better the longer you write with multiple points of view. a) you get more familiar with the characters b) it's... Continue Reading →

I’m not sure how this happened?

Hello everybody, Like I said in the title I have no idea how this happened... Thank you!!! for all of you who recently purchased of my book.😊

Writer Courting Insanity

Hello everybody, Ever hear the term, “writer courting insanity”? Well, if by any case you haven’t it stands for a writer who isn’t writing. That’s a very scary place because the creative part of your brain will not be shut off and you can only bottle things for so long. Eventually your ideas will implode,... Continue Reading →

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