
Hello everyone, Man on a soap box spouting bubbles If your life summed up to one word what would it be? Interesting question I hope. As of write now mine would be BUSY. Because I'm always busy. Luckily, soon that will not be the case. 🎉 Dont worry I'm not going to get on my... Continue Reading →

Self Esteem & Value

Hello everyone, As you can see from the title, this post is a tad bit left field. Anywho here it goes... Recently I worked at a school and homeschooled students. It was a lot of fun but I didn't feel valued. Yes, I know feelings lie so I'll rephrase, I know I wasn't valued. For example,... Continue Reading →

Time of Giving Thanks

Hello everyone, November is the month to give thanks. I can honestly say that you guys and gals are amazing. Thank you for your support and comments it really means a lot. I'm one of those people that have a hard time writing about how I feel. It's the ooey gooey sentiment that makes it... Continue Reading →

Writers Dance

Hello everybody, Writing fluidly, words sprouting then turned to ash. This is the writers Dance. So many times we write something, maybe even start something that has nothing to do with writing and we make progress only to watch our progress unravel with the slightest breeze. It kind of reminds me of the kids at... Continue Reading →

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