Reason Why

Hello everyone on the blog - o - sphere, Hello everyone on the blog - o - sphere, Fridays post was on the short side. So today let’s go down the rabbit hole of possibilities.    What if you were the only person capable of making an impact? What if your life was what others... Continue Reading →

Ever Wonder?

What if you were the only person capable of making an impact? What if your life was what others looked too? What if you had that power? What would you do with it? What if I told you were capable of all these things? What than?

Expecting Much

Hello everyone, Have you ever experienced a time when you expected something to happen? This expectation may or may not have came to fruition. It could have been something small like you expected a certain grade on your report card or like my case to be more successful at something. Expectation is a gray matter... Continue Reading →

Hello everyone, We’re getting closer to Thanksgiving, and I wanted to take the time to thank all of you for your support. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I wouldn’t be here on the blog-o-sphere if it wasn’t for you guys. I’m not saying that for a dramatic affect either. I would have... Continue Reading →

Prove Something

“Don’t live life only to prove a point. It will lead you down a path of bitterness and regret.  Hello everyone,  This post might be a little controversial, please bare with me. Has someone or other ever told you you wouldn’t succeed. That you would be a failure. To some degree we all have experienced... Continue Reading →

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