All Aboard The Writers Express

  Hello everyone, I know it's not Christmas time but, have you ever watched the Polar Express, or It's a Wonderful Life? My family watch both of them every year multiple times during Christmas time. It's so bad I can repeat and act out both the movies.  These movies take the main character on a journey.... Continue Reading →

Hello everyone, I don't know about you but the statement What If can go two ways. What If can be good or it could be the opposite of good! The ramifications of What If can be horrendous!  What if is usually a time when you think you should have done more. For instance, the book... Continue Reading →

Bland Words & Other Pet Peeves

  Hello everyone, Sorry I was MIB (missing in blogging). I was stuck with my manuscript that crisis has been averted. Thank Goodness. The seven thousand words have been written, almost.I still need about five thousand more words. I also wanted to thank you for reading my silly posts and sticking with me. It means... Continue Reading →

Seven Thousand Word Dilemma!

Hello everyone, If you read my earlier post, I might have mentioned that I'm now giving my manuscript the finishing touches. Well I've hit a dilemma a 7000 word dilemma. NOOOOOOO I'm currently sitting at my handy-dandy laptop wondering... How did it go so wrong. Okay, okay I'll tone it down! It's not that hard... Continue Reading →

Hello everyone, If you're a parent of a none reader and your child is addicted to video games, and tv show's. Or you're just looking for another book to read because you finished your latest series or maybe you're suffering from book withdrawals. Here is the book series for you. Have you ever heard of... Continue Reading →

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