Too Fast For Your Own Good!

Hi everybody, Ever write something and realize that it's way too fast passed? That it's pretty much an outline. Instead of a nice juicy rib you got more bone than meet. Guess what, that just happened to me again. I thought my story was good, but I was mistaken. Step one, get busy doing other... Continue Reading →

Hello everybody, Querying. Pitch. It's the same thing. I honestly wondered what the heck a query was until I started Querying and made some fails of epic proportions. I didn't realize how monumental it is but, your query letter is the singular letter that dictates your fate in the realm of creative insanity aka (querying/... Continue Reading →

An Untold Story

Hello everyone, It's been a while. If I can speak honestly I've been struggling with writing. Writing stories, writing on this blog, just writing in general. I tried everything from extra caffeine to going somewhere else to write. And I did just write utter nonsense and the words never seemed to coincide. they didn't tell... Continue Reading →

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