Story Behind One of My Favorite Books

Guess How Much I Love You, has been one of my favorite books since I was five. My grandma first bought me the book, and I learned how to read it with my mom. Eventually it became too warn, my mom had to buy me a new one. This story is a heart worming story... Continue Reading →

Hello everyone, I was asked the other day why I write? At first, I thought that was simple enough to answer. But as I began to answer the question, I had to stop. Why do I write? Going back to the question for this blog Why do I write? I started writing in elementary school,... Continue Reading →

I want to thank all the men and women that sacrificed their life, health, time, their everything, so that we can be free. Memorial Day is a day to remember the blood of the brave that was shed so we can live free.  Free to abuse the freedom fought for us. Free to live luxuriously. ... Continue Reading →

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